A Letter from the President

Dear friends of the Cornell University Chorus,

As the student leader of a university student organization, I struggled with our place in adding to the current global conversation resulting from the tragic deaths of George Floyd, David McAtee, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other black Americans. However, the Chorus is one of Cornell University’s flagship choirs, and as we are frequently called upon to represent the University on tour, in workshops, and beyond, I felt compelled both personally, and as the President of our organization, to use our influence and platform to speak out.

As an organization, the Chorus condemns the persistent and nationwide injustice and violence towards the Black community. Black lives matter. I acknowledge that as a non-Black individual, I have an extremely limited perspective. I promise that this letter is not merely a response to the recent tragedies, but a commitment to a much deeper conversation concerning racial injustice both in our society and our organization.

Although recent events have once again highlighted violent patterns of clear racial discrimination, structures of privilege and oppression pervade every level of our society. These systems can affect all of us in much more subtle yet equally sinister ways. Our exec team is currently actively discussing amongst ourselves, with current members, and with our director the ways the Chorus can fulfill its promise to be an inclusive and welcoming space, and a responsible organization that thoughtfully engages with our repertoire, and with our own challenges. This letter marks the beginning of a reinvigorated conversation on justice and equity within our organization.

Maggie Lin ’21, Chorus President

June 2, 2020

Ithaca, NY