Typical Chorus Schedule

Time Commitment

The Chorus rehearses for about 4-5 hours per week and performs at least four major concerts every year: the Homecoming Concert with the Glee Club, the Twilight Concert, a major work with the Glee Club, and a Senior Week concert. There are also performances for Orientation Week and for Lessons & Carols with the Glee Club. In addition, the Chorus goes on tour annually over either winter, spring, or summer break. Recent concert tours include California in 2015, Mexico and Guatemala in 2016 (with the Glee Club), the Atlantic Coast in 2017, the Gulf Coast in 2018, Canada in 2019, the Pacific Northwest in 2020, and California in 2023

Rehearsal Times

The Chorus rehearses for about 4-5 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. Rehearsals may be increased in weeks leading up to a concert. Typical rehearsal times are on Wednesday (5:15pm-7:15pm) and Sunday (5pm-7pm). Times may vary when rehearsals are held jointly with the Glee Club.

Fall Concerts & Events

The Twilight Concert is the major fall concert featuring the Chorus. However, the Chorus also performs during Orientation Week, Homecoming, and at Lessons and Carols in December.

  • Orientation Week Showcase (short concert given in late August)

  • New Member Dinner (early September)

  • Group Retreat (overnight in September)

  • Homecoming Concert (late September)

  • Twilight Concert (late October)

  • Lessons and Carols (December)

Spring Concerts & Events

The Chorus typically gives one to two concerts with the Glee Club in the spring semester and may attend a Choral Festival as well. The Chorus goes on tour during either winter, spring, or summer break, and always gives a Return-from-Tour Concert in Ithaca during the week after the tour.

  • New Member Dinner (early February)

  • Major Work Concert (April)

  • Chorus Tour

  • Return-from-Tour Concert (shortly after tour)

Senior Week Concerts & Events

Chorus members stay at Cornell during the week between final exams and Commencement to give one last concert, sing at university events, and participate in lots of fun activities with the choirs! They also return for alum Reunions in June to perform a concert with the Glee Club and sing at Cornelliana.

  • Senior Dinner

  • Senior Week Concert

  • Senior Convocation and Commencement

  • Reunions Concert and Cornelliana Night (optional, early June)